Wednesday 25 July 2018

Digital Fluency Intensive Day One

DFI Day One Teaching as Inquiry Reflection

Google Keep
What I learnt:
Organised electronic sticky notes, with the ultimate reminder system - including sound alerts.
Links to phone app.
Collaborator button allows sharing of keep note with another person.
Can use voice to create document on Google keep - this has a text and audio version.
Super easy to share.
Can use to dictate e-mails - how great is that!
Can use photos in Keep.
Remind Me button will send alerts at specific time, and can add place too.
What I will aim to do:
I can see myself using this tool. I particularly like the list function within the keep note
- it will get rid of the paper sticky notes on my laptop keyboard!

Google Drive
What I learnt:
Menu panel on left - Disclosure button
DB advocated one folder for each year, then organise folders with in this.
Colour coding of folders.
What I did:
I cleaned up my drive - organised files into 2016, 2017 and 2019.
Then I created better folder headings and colour coded these to make them easier to sort and access.

Far more effective!

Google Docs
What I learnt:
How to use headings better. The headings then generate their own URL address which means they can be
inserted as links into other places and documents.
Also if you use headings and sub-headings, you can then insert a Table of Contents at the beginning of
your document.
Adding Shift to paste function (Ctrl + Shift + V) removes the formatting from what you are copying!!
Explore Tool - great way to find links, images etc related to document you are creating
- no necessity for multiple windows...yay!
Symbols - did not know it was there!
Voice typing Tool - change to NZ English so it understands you

What I aim to do:
Any documents (readings, agenda, reports…) with heading function could make it easier to send
relevant parts to selected people.
Use the different tools - especially Explore
Give the Voice typing tool a try.